Chum Salmon Fly Fishing Trips Best in British Columbia Canada
Chum Salmon Fly Fishing Trips Best in British Columbia Canada
We are now in the heart of the Chum Salmon fly fishing season in Squamish, BC Canada. The Fly Fishing for these enormous Salmon has been spectacular. Chum Salmon in the Squamish River and its tributaries range in size from 15 LBS – 30 LBS. For this reason you want to use fly rods with a line rating of 8 – 9 weight and a leader with a breaking strength of 15 LBS or greater. Typically we run either 15 LBS or 20 LBS tippet or it will start to become an expensive day in the fly category. There are so many Chum Salmon in the Rivers surrounding Squamish right now that it is difficult to avoid foul hooking fish. For this reason you will not want to make large sweeping cast or long swings. You will want to fish more down stream from yourself and use less swing.
Chum Salmon fight like Hell
There is no mistaking the fact that you have a Chum Salmon on your fly rod. Most Chum Salmon instantly break water and make reel wrecking runs upon being hooked. You will find yourself making funny squeaks and moans while you try to keep your rod tip up. I always tell clients that they will want to skip arm days at the gym for the rest of the week after being on a fly fishing trip with us, most fall asleep on the ride home afterward. Their shear size, crazy teeth, distinctive markings and coloration make great pictures for life long memories. We have some of the best fly fishing for Salmon right here in Squamish BC.
Chum Salmon are not alone in the Rivers at this time of year in Squamish, BC. You can also catch Coho Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden and Bull Trout while the Chum Salmon are in the Rivers. This selection of fish species always keeps it interesting because they all eat the same flies and you never know what you are going to catch. My Favorite bi-catch this time of year is definitely the Coho Salmon. There are opportunities to keep a hatchery Coho Salmon right now in Squamish, as long as you have a valid freshwater fishing license accompanied by a non tidal salmon tag.
Chum Salmon fly fishing guides in Squamish British Columbia Canada
Our professional fly fishing guides will happily pick you up and return you to your accommodations after our fly fishing trip has finished from Pemberton, Whistler and Squamish. We also have meeting locations in Squamish if you want to meet us there and save some valuable fishing time. Our clients are required to wear suitable clothing for the day of fishing and you will also need a valid BC freshwater fishing license. All Freshwater fishing licenses must be printed on paper and signed at the bottom left corner. Our fly fishing guides fish everyday, this is how they stay on top of the fish so that you have the best fly fishing experience possible. Our fly fishing guides have developed flies specifically for the rivers in Squamish, in turn this also gives you the upper hand. Join us for a fantastic day of Chum Salmon fly fishing in Squamish, BC Canada. Call toll free 1(877)905-8121 or email if you have any questions, we want to answer them. You can also visit our website for more information about fishing in Squamish, you may also view our rates and other fishing trips we offer in Pemberton and Whistler, BC.
We look forward to fly fishing with you,
Pemberton Fish Finder.
below are a few pictures taken from the past week October 24th – 31st, 2017.
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