2024 Guided freshwater fishing and fly fishing trips in BC Canada

2024 Guided freshwater fishing and fly fishing trips in BC Canada. First thing you’ll notice from the picture above is that it is absolutely stunning. These places still exist but they are far between. We are very fortunate to have some of the absolute best River conditions in the world. Mix that in with all five Pacific salmon and you’ve got one fantastic food source for all Resident and migratory trout.
The food source we’re talking about is salmon fry and that’s not the only thing large trout feed on. There are loads and loads of other Aquatic insects as well. The river fishing starts to really fire up by the end of March. At this point you will start to see a few fry emerge from the Reds and there is also a healthy population of smolt. The salmon smolt are typically Coho fry that hold in the fresh water for up to a year and can be as large as three and a half inches long. For this reason do not be shy to throw larger flies or spoons at them as they will be feeding on these year round.

Our guides have over 100 years combined knowledge fishing our waters
We are based out of Pemberton, British Columbia which is located a scenic 2 hour drive north of Vancouver. Mainly we fish the rivers and lakes between Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton. Some of our favorite rivers we fish include Birkenhead River, Squamish River, Mamquam River, Lillooet River and the Cheakamus River. All of the rivers listed have glacial influence and flow to the Pacific Ocean. During the summer months they stay cold and occasionally in the winter months they may become Frozen.
Typically during the month of June the rivers become unfishable due to the freshet “snow melt”. That’s not a big deal because at that point the small lakes and large lakes are fishing extremely well. One thing I would like to note, no matter the time of year there is always good fishing opportunities. That’s a pretty bold statement but very true. Early spring, March through May we target Coastal cutthroat trout, steelhead, bull trout and rainbow trout. Summer through fall, July through the end of November we target Pacific salmon and trout. Winter December through March we ice fish the small lakes surrounding Whistler and Pemberton. In some of these small lakes trout can grow in excess of 10lbs.

We love to teach, fly fishing ain’t hard to learn
We are very passionate about fly fishing. The use of barbless hooks and catch and release is mandatory in all streams and rivers. We also understand that some people like to eat their catch. For this reason we suggest if you’d like to keep fish, that you fish one of the many stocked lakes in the area. Stocked lakes are stocked for that very reason, for the purpose of retention. It also keeps the fishing absolutely amazing in our area. It is not uncommon to see trout in excess of 5 lbs. in both rivers and lakes.

As you’ve probably found out by now there are plenty of guided fly fishing trips in British Columbia Canada. Some of which are very remote and some are not so much. The beautiful thing about our area is that we have both. While some people are looking for an adventure outside the bubble. Some people don’t feel comfortable going deep into the wilderness. Either way we’ve got fantastic fly fishing for you.
When it comes to accommodation there’s a good mix of five star and or rustic cabins. When it comes to dining, you’ve got five star all the way down to the local greasy spoon. I think you get the point we live in a very special area where civilization and remote Wilderness can coexist. It is not uncommon to see multiple species of Wildlife each and every fishing trip. Wildlife that includes mountain goats, black bears, grizzly bears, deer, elk, moose, Eagles, river otters and beavers to name a few.

Booking a fishing guide has never been easier
We are one of the few guiding companies in British Columbia that have a full time booking agent. Her name is Melissa. Melissa takes pride in answering our toll free number 1-877-905-8121 and answering emails info@pembertonfishfinder.com within 5 minutes of receiving them during business hours. That in itself is next level service. You can also book online. A very common question she receives daily is, “are we going to catch fish”? Obvious reasons this may be a difficult question to answer for some guiding companies. In actuality each and every year we have to submit our fishing reports to the provincial government. This means that we keep track of what we catch each and every fishing trip.
Since 2010, our guiding company has upheld a 97% success rate. This percentage is based on tour success. It’s not very often that a group goes out and comes back without landing a fish. In those 3% that come back without a fish they typically have either lost or had numerous chances to land a fish. You have to remember that a big percentage of our clientele are either first time or very new to fishing.

Check out our social feeds
Keeping a website up to date is a ton of work and recently we found our social media presence has been very effective in promoting our business. For this reason we always suggest clients to visit our Facebook page and our Instagram. Both of these are literally updated daily with both pictures and videos of our catches and fishing experiences. It also will give you an idea as to what we’re fishing for species wise and and where we are doing it.
Below is a gallery of recent pictures from the past couple weeks. Currently we are River fishing for Coastal cutthroat, bull trout, steelhead and rainbow trout. Both rivers and lakes are clear of snow and ice. Both Salmon fry and smolts are throughout every river and stream in both Pemberton and Squamish, British Columbia. We would also like to thank you for taking the time to read this article. Have a look through the rest of our website view our rates and other fishing tours we offer. Be assured, we have a fishing trip that will catch your eye and hearts desire. We look forward to fishing with you, Pemberton fish finder.

2024 Guided freshwater fishing and fly fishing trips in BC Canada.
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