Fishing Reports Pemberton Whistler British Columbia Spring 2016
Fishing Reports Pemberton Whistler British Columbia Spring 2016
Fishing Reports Pemberton Whistler British Columbia Spring 2016. The fishing has been good in the rivers surrounding Whistler and Pemberton British Columbia. We have been seeing quite a few big Bull Trout over 20″, Rainbow Trout between 12″ – 18″ and the Coastal Cutthroat are just starting to show up in Pemberton, BC. We have been catching the odd Coastal Cutthroat Trout, but typically we don’t see crazy numbers until the end of March. Now lets talk about the picture above. It’s amazing how a beautiful Bull Trout can bring out a beautiful smile. This Bull Trout was reeled in while out fishing with the Pemberton Fish Finder on the Ryan River in Pemberton, British Columbia. Below are a few Rivers for fishing that you should check out if you are in Whistler or Pemberton, BC.
Places to Fish Rivers in Whistler, BC
Cheakamus River
Cheakamus River is located just South of Whistler, BC and joins up with the Squamish River just North of Squamish, BC. I enjoy fishing the section of River above Daisy Lake for Rainbow Trout. To access this section of River you are going to need a good mapbook. The section below Daisy Lake has better fishing for Rainbow Trout, Bull Tout, Dolly Varden, Steelhead and four species of Pacific Salmon: Chinook, Coho, Chum and Pinks. Most of the Cheakamus River is accessible via Hwy 99. Early in the year we have had best success fly fishing by using stonefly patterns and streamers. In the lower sections of the Cheakamus River most of the Trout and Steelhead are keying in on the salmon fry that are emerging from the spawning grounds.
Green River
Green River flows out of the North end of Green Lake. It follows along Hwy 99 to the village of Pemberton where it finally joins the Lillooet River. The section of river from Green Lake to Wedge FSR holds some great fly fishing for Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout. The Green River has lots of fast boulder filled sections followed by huge pools and sweeping bends. The Green River’s shoreline is not the easiest to travel, so be prepared to do some bushwhacking. This spot’s lack of popularity means that it has little to zero trail networks yet, It’s a hidden gem! Below is a picture of a beautiful Rainbow Trout reeled in from the upper sections of the Green River in Whistler while on a fly fishing tour with the Pemberton Fish Finder.
Places to Fish Rivers in Pemberton, BC
Ryan River
The Ryan River is one of those places you never hear anyone talking about. It is the largest tributary to the Upper Lillooet River and one of the only clear streams in Pemberton during the Spring and late Fall. Simply put, while the Upper Lillooet River is filled with sediment “silt”, the fish cruise into the Ryan to clean up. The Ryan River is also home to a huge Rocky Mountain Whitefish population. These guys are super fun to catch on light gear. The only down side to the Ryan River is that it is surrounded by private property, if you find access you have 9/10 of the battle won. Don’t be discouraged there are a few access points along Pemberton Meadows road. Below is a picture of a huge Bull Trout from the Ryan River.
Green River
The lower section of the Green River flows through the valley floor of Pemberton, BC. The lower section is from Nairn Falls to the Lillooet River and holds incredible fishing for Bull Trout, Rainbow Trout, Cutthroat Trout and Salmon. The lower section of the Green River does not have a great trail network because of it’s lack of popularity, but this means nothing! Do some bushwhacking, follow the River banks and do some exploring. If you find a great fishing hole make sure you share it with me 😉 One word of advise I will share is that Green River FSR will help you gain access to the Green River. Below is a picture of a nice Bull Trout from the lower section of the Green River.
Birkenhead River
If you haven’t heard of the Birkenhead River, you need to get outside and do some exploring. The Birkenhead River is located 10 minutes north of Pemberton, BC on Portage Road. The upper section of the Birkenhead River is easily accessed from Portage Road and has a great trail network. Pretty well anywhere you see a pull-out along the Birkenhead River there is a trail. The thing I like the most about the Birk is that the river is always changing. The fishing holes you fished last year will not be there this year, so you get to re-learn the river all over again each year. Each year the Birkenhead River blows out during the freshet. The freshet happens typically June 1st – July 1st, and is a good time to avoid the Birkenhead River. Once the river settles down expect to catch Rainbow Trout, Bull Trout, Salmon, Coastal Cutthroat Trout and Rocky Mountain Whitefish. No one knows this River better than The Pemberton Fish Finder. The Pemberton Fish Finder offers guided full day, half day and an introductory fly fishing tours on the Birkenhead River daily. Visit our website for rates and more information about the Birkenhead River. Below is a picture of a Beautiful Rainbow Trout caught on the Birkenhead River.
All of the pictures in this fishing report were caught in the past week March 6th – March 13th 2016 while on guided fishing tours with the Pemberton Fish Finder. Our clients love their claim to fishing fame. Below are a few more pictures that made the cut from the past week. We have also included a couple pictures of popular flies and the color of the stoneflies from their respective rivers. We always recommend that people fishing in Whistler and Pemberton stop by Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd to stock up in the latest greatest fish catching flies and gear. They are also well stocked in maps and have a great understanding of the area. Spud Valley Sporting Goods is located in Pemberton at 1380 Birch Street. Tight Lines.
Pemberton Fish Finder
Fishing Reports Pemberton Whistler British Columbia Spring 2016.
Fishing Reports Pemberton Whistler British Columbia Spring 2016.
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