2015-16 Pemberton Fish Finder Ice Fishing Season is a Wrap
2015-16 Pemberton Fish Finder Ice Fishing Season is a Wrap
2015-16 Pemberton Fish Finder Ice Fishing Season is a Wrap. First of all the team at Pemberton Fish Finder would like to thank all of our clients for a fun, entertaining, safe and successful Ice Fishing season. Although it pains me to put my Ice fishing equipment away, I’m excited for the Fly Fishing and open water season to begin. We shared tons of stories, made lots of new friends and made lots of lifelong memories. The addition of a couple new Pemberton Fish Finder employees allowed us to accommodate larger corporate groups. I would also like to thank my Beautiful Wife, Melissa Knowles for answering the phone, emails and coordinating the teams schedules. Melissa’s job is a thankless job, but without her we would not have been nearly as successful as we were. Our group of Professional Ice Fishing guides took people Ice fishing from all over the World. It was interesting to say the least to see people walk on to a frozen lake for the first time. The question arose regularly “Is the ice safe?” my reply was typically it’s holding me up, you’ll be OK. Anyone that knows me would know that I’m a big boy, that weighs in at 280 LBS and most of my clients weigh roughly half of what I do. It was amazing how many people could not believe that I would be their host for the day after sitting at home watching our fishing videos on YouTube. They soon found out that I was a normal dude with an exceptional ability to catch fish and put my clients on fish too. Poor James in the picture below was one of those guys that was star shocked but a quick hug brought him back down to earth.
In the video below we announce the end of the Ice fishing season and share a few fond memories from the past Ice fishing season. Not many people know this but I’m a Rapper and the tune in the video is non other than Brad Knowles himself. Lets just say I’m not going to give up on my day job anytime soon. Our next Ice fishing season will commence December 15th, 2016. Call Melissa today and Book your spot for Ice fishing on the up coming season. https://pembertonfishfinder.com/
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