Anderson Lake BC Fishing Report April 1st 2014
Anderson Lake BC Fishing Report April 1st 2014. The boat launch and docks are clear of snow and ice. The water level is still very low and visibility is high. Water temperature is 42°f. The fishing has been decent for large Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout. Fishing can be slower this time of year because the feed is not spread out around the lake like it is in the Summer months. This all changes in about 2 weeks once the Salmon fry start leaving Gates creek in numbers. Once you find the bait fish stay with them. Bait fish in Anderson lake consist of Kokanee “land lock Salmon” and Salmon fry. Salmon fry are just starting to exit Gates creek and the fishing will continue to improve right through mid October.
Anderson Lake BC Fishing Report April 1st 2014
What fishing tackle and Equipment should I be using? Trolling – Personally, I like to use a medium action downrigger rod made by Shakespeare. Most people know them as the Ugly Stik 1101. I paired the rod with a level wind capable of holding 20lb monofilament. I use a level wind that has a line counter on the reel. This helps me space my gear out. They also work well on the Downrigger . OK, lets talk about tackle. Depending on time of year the colors and sizes will change along with the depth. This time of year you want to be using small spoons, Rapala’s and small apex’s. A range in color from, Green, Red/Silver, Red/white, Silver and Gold. Whenever you can mix UV paint into the mix, do it. There is no need to be fishing deep this time of year because the Salmon fry tend to stay shallow and the Kokanee hang out around 65′. With the colder water temperature set your speed in and around 2 mph. Some lures like to be trolled a little faster or a little slower. Make sure your lure is working the way it is supposed to be prior to sending it. This alone will help you catch fish, BIG TIME!
Fly Fishing Casting a minnow or fry pattern at the mouth of Gates Creek should yield some beautiful Trout. Use either a full sinking or a sinking tip fly line in a type 3 sinking rate. A type 3 line will sink at a rate of 3.5″ – 4.” per second. This will help your fly get into those fishy zones. Mix up your retrieval speeds or simply let your fly dangle in the current of the creek. Don’t leave your fly there to long or it will find its way to the bottom. Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd. in Pemberton at 1380 Birch street is well equipped with all of your fly fishing needs. They will gladly help you with a quality selection of flies, maps, waders, fly lines, reels and fishing tips from the local Pro’s. They love to see there clients catch fish. Stop in and let them know how you made out, we love a Great fishing story.
Spin Fishing much like fly fishing you want to be located near the Mouth of Gates Creek. Casting small spoons and small spinners will also yield beautiful Trout. Trout in Anderson Lake will range in size from 1 lb – 20 lbs. Mix up your speeds on retrieval even try a crank and jerk retrieval. This will make your spoon look crippled and very enticing. My favorite lure to cast at Anderson Lake hands down is the Fraser River Rainbow. I have caught more fish on this lure than any other lures combined. This lure is only sold at Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd. Get them while they’re Hot!
Guided Fishing Tours if you simply want to go out and catch a bunch of Trout and not worry about buying all of the gear. Then learn how to use it on your own. Visit the Pemberton Fish Finder. No one knows Anderson lake as well as the Pemberton Fish Finder. With competitive rates and knowledgeable guides be assured you are in good hands.
Below are a few pictures of Trout caught while on a guided fishing tour with the Pemberton Fish Finder March 31st, 2014. The Rainbow Trout was caught on a 3/4 oz Crocodile that was trolled on the surface and the Big Bull Trout was caught with the use of a Downrigger. Anderson Lake BC Fishing Report April 1st 2014.
Check out our YouTube Channel Plenty of fishing videos from Anderson Lake here!
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