It’s Searun Cutthroat Trout Time Fishing in Pemberton BC
It’s Searun Cutthroat Trout Time Fishing in Pemberton BC. We have officially caught our first Coastal Cutthroat Trout of 2017 and she was a beauty. As the season progresses we anticipate a very healthy run this year. The Searun Cutthroat season peaks Mid April and wraps up Mid May with the freshet. The Freshet really messes the river fishing up for the better part of a month. The Freshet turns on the Lake fishing, so there is always incredible fishing in the Whistler and Pemberton area to be had. While fishing for Searun Cutthroat Trout you may also catch Bull Trout, Steelhead and Rainbow Trout. Recently, the Bull Trout fishing has really picked up. Pemberton offers some of the best Searun Cutthroat Fishing in British Columbia.
What to use while fly fishing for Searun Cutthroat Trout
It’s no secret, Cutthroat Trout are ferocious feeders. They are also spontaneous feeders, meaning they cannot let an easy meal go by them. There is no better way to peak a searun Cutthroat trouts interest than using minnow patterns. Cutthroat enter the Rivers surrounding Squamish and Pemberton BC as the Salmon fry start to get adventurous. Cutthroat Trout eat their share of Salmon fry each day, I assure you. Nothing represents these Salmon fry better than our locally developed patterns on Friday Night Flies . If you haven’t been on our fly tying tutorial website, you are missing out. One pattern our head Guide “Scott” developed and uses daily is the Sparkle Minnow. Watch Scott share this recipe here . Myself on the other hand swear that this is one of the deadliest patterns when it comes to Cutthroat Trout Fly fishing, the Moto Minnow. Watch the Moto Minnow fly tying tutorial here . The Moto minnow is tied commercially and is available at Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd in Pemberton BC at 1380 Birch Street. Swing by the shop and check out all of our new fly tying materials that just arrived.
What to use while spin fishing for Searun Cutthroat Trout
This is a bit of a continuation of the above paragraph. Simply put, if you want to catch Coastal Cutthroat Trout you need to feed them what they want. When they enter the Streams surrounding Pemberton and Squamish, BC the rivers are steaming with Salmon fry. While Spin Fishing nothing represents Salmon fry better than Small Spoons and Spinners. Try using Koho spoons “size 35 and 45”, White Roostertails and my favorite a 1/2 oz nickle fire stripe Croc. I do not suggest bait fishing for Cutthroat for the simple reason that it is a catch and release fishery.
Join us on either a spin fishing or fly fishing trip for Searun Cutthroat Trout this year. Visit our website for rates and more information about fly fishing in Whistler and Pemberton, BC. Book this truly unique fishing trip today, space is limited call toll free 1(877)905-8121 or email
We look forward to fishing with you,
Pemberton Fish Finder
Below are a few pictures from the past week of River fishing in Pemberton by means of spin fishing and or fly fishing.
It’s Searun Cutthroat Trout Time Fishing in Pemberton BC
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