Pemberton and Whistler BC fishing report May 27th 2015
Pemberton and Whistler BC fishing report May 27th 2015
Pemberton and Whistler BC fishing report May 27th 2015. The Rivers in both the Pemberton and Whistler areas are in full Freshet. Chinook Salmon have mostly made there way through Lillooet lake and are in there respective tributaries. Rivers are very fast, high and colored. This can create great fishing opportunities in the larger lakes surrounding Whistler and Pemberton. The high water brings a ton of feed and oxygen to the lakes. It is also at this time of year that most Salmon fry make there transition from Rivers to the Ocean. Salmon Fry live in fresh water anywhere from just a few days to two years depending on the species. Smolting is a physiological change which when completed enables the fish to live in salt water and not absorb the salt into its blood stream. Once a fish turns into a smolt it is ready to begin its migration down the river and into the ocean where it will spend the next phase of its life. For this reason both Spin fishers and Fly fishers alike should carry Salmon fry imitations in a variety of sizes. I usually like to use a larger fry pattern than a smaller one, for the same reason that I don’t order off of the kids menu at McDonald’s. Some of the larger lakes to try fishing in the Whistler and Pemberton area are as follows.
Green Lake
Green Lake is the largest lake in Whistler, BC. It also hold some of the best shore fishing for large fish in the Whistler and Pemberton area. The lake has a healthy population of Kokanee, which are a landlocked Salmon. Kokanee spawn in both the River of Golden Dreams and Fitzsimmons Creek. People have reported seeing Kokanee in 19 Mile creek as well. Kokanee spawn in the creeks listed by mid September. The Kokanee fry start to make there way back into the lake the first week of May and throughout the month of June. Kokanee fry are also accompanied by both Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout fry throughout the year. This is why small spoons and Minnow patterns work great year round on Green Lake in Whistler, BC. The image below marks a few great fishing spots on Green lake in Whistler. Click on image to enlarge.
Lillooet Lake
Pemberton and Whistler BC fishing report May 27th 2015. Fishing in Lillooet lake has been Great for Trout. Water levels are very high and the creeks feeding the lake are also high and very fast. Much like Green Lake in Whistler, you want to focus fishing the creeks that enter the lake this time of year. The reason for this is because fish come to these creeks to feed and flush there gills of any sediment the silty lake contains. The creeks are well oxygenated and are a great food source. It is not uncommon to catch numerous Trout at each of these creeks mouths you fish. If you can gain access to Lillooet lake via boat, there are a few creeks that feed the lake on the non road side. The creeks on the non road side receive next to no fishing pressure, this makes them a hot spot for fishing.
When spin fishing Lillooet Lake use large colorful Spoons preferably spoons that weigh between 1/2 oz and 3/4 oz. Mix up your retrieval speeds and cover as much water as possible. When covering water with your casting try short casts, long casts, cast to the right and left. Once you hook a fish, work that general area because Trout tend to group up in Lillooet lake.
Fly fishing in Lillooet lake can be very rewarding. The use of Muddler minnows and Streamer patterns is highly recommended. I have a couple go to flies for the Lillooet, these flies are the Lillooet Killer and the Moto Minnow. Both of these flies and many more are available at Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd in Pemberton, BC. Spud Valley sporting goods is where the locals of Whistler, Pemberton and Squamish shop for all there fly fishing gear and Supplies. They have a complete wall dedicated to fly tiers and fly fishing. Stop by and get the local scoop, we love talking about Fly fishing in Whistler and Pemberton, BC.
Below is a picture of a beautiful Bull Trout caught while fishing in front of a creek mouth on Lillooet lake. For more information about fly fishing and rates for guided fishing trips in Whistler visit our website
We look forward to fishing with you,
Pemberton Fish Finder.
Pemberton and Whistler BC fishing report May 27th 2015.
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