Fun things to do in Whistler BC during Winter Ice Fishing
If you are thinking of visiting Whistler, BC during the Winter we highly recommend you try Ice fishing. There is nothing more Canadian than Ice fishing during the Winter months. The Lakes are all frozen with safe ice and the ice fishing has been very good. In Canada, Ice fishing is enjoyed by all ages, fishing abilities and is a social event that families partake. Children enjoy ice fishing because there is not a huge learning curve and typically there are lots of fish caught. Our ice fishing guides will put you on the fast track to success in just a few minutes. We always encourage our clients to dress for sub zero temperatures. Wear a warm jacket, toque, warm waterproof boots and gloves. If you are worried about getting cold we always bring an ice hut and a propane heater along so you can sit in comfort. Fun things to do in Whistler BC during Winter Ice Fishing.
Canada Ice fishing Trips
A warm lunch on those cold days will put a smile on your face. On full day Ice fishing tours we bring along a BBQ and cook your catch, complimented with a side of vegetables. There are not many fish that taste better than freshly BBQ’d trout, it will have you coming back for more. Having the option to cook a fresh caught fish definitely adds to this remarkable Canadian ice fishing experience. Our Ice fishing trips in Canada are set in the most spectacular setting available in the World. The air is clean, crisp and stunning views are in every direction, make sure your camera has fresh batteries.
Ice Fishing BC
Take a break from the hustler and bustle of the Whistler Village. Let our Ice fishing guides take you to a remote part of town we refer to as a “Winter Wonderland”. Ice fishing is a great activity to break up your Skiing or Snowboarding days and a chance to get the whole family and friends together for the day of fun. For more information about rates and ice fishing Trips in Whistler, Canada visit our website
Unique Canadian Winter experience
Our Ice fishing season starts mid December and typically wraps up by end of March. Don’t miss out on this truly unique Canadian Winter experience, book today call toll free (877)905-8121 or email . A booking agent is eager to help you plan your ice fishing trip, we can even help you book your accommodations. All of the pictures on this post are just a few of many from the week of December 26th 2016 – January 2nd 2017 . We look forward to Ice fishing with you,
Pemberton Fish Finder.
Fun things to do in Whistler BC during winter Ice Fishing.
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