Fly fishing Green lake Whistler BC
Fly fishing Green lake Whistler BC. Green Lake is located on the North side of Whistler. It has a very distinct emerald color that is caused by glacial till. Green lake holds the largest fish of any lakes in Whistler making it a popular fishing spot for Anglers and Guides. There are 3 major creeks that feed the lake at the South end. 19 mile creek, Fitzsimmons creek and the river of Golden Dreams. The River that exits the lake at the North end is called Green River. All of these spots that I have mentioned have incredible Bull Trout and Rainbow Trout fishing. Rainbow Trout can grown to 3 lbs and Bull Trout can reach 7 lbs. Popular methods of fishing on Green lake include Trolling, Fly Fishing and Spin Casting. Always check the fishing regulations prior to fishing this lake, there are numerous regulations put in place.
While fishing Green lake look for creeks that feed the lake. These spots tend to hold the most fish because the creeks bring a steady flow of food and well oxygenated water. Remember that Green lake is one of the largest lakes in Whistler, so I do not recommend the use of float tubes to gain access to the lake. Pontoon boats are much more suited to this large lake or boats 12′ or greater with suitable power. There is a great public boat launch off of Emerald drive then turn left on to Summer lane.
Fly fishing Green lake Whistler BC
Fly Fishing Green Lake, try using minnow and streamer patterns this time of year. We also had great success with Wooly buggers, Stoneflies, leeches and Pumpkin heads. On the dry flies try using Mayflies, Black Ants, Adult stoneflies and Tri-winged Sedges. If you are not having luck at the creek mouths try trolling a fly with a type 3 or 4 sinking line. This has paid off huge for us in the past.
Below are a few pictures of some Bull Trout caught while Fly fishing Green lake Whistler BC with the Pemberton Fish Finder June 11th, 2014. If you are looking to do some Fly fishing in Whistler give us a call toll free 1-877-905-8121 for rates and more information about fishing in Whistler visit our website We have also included a couple pictures of fly fishing patterns you should have in your box if you are to tackle this lake on your own. These flies and many more available at Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd. “Whistler’s Fly Shop.” Spud Valley Sporting Goods is located at 1380 Birch Street in Pemberton, BC 25 minutes North of Whistler. They are well stocked in all your fly fishing needs including tying materials.
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